What do you think about when you hear the word summer? Some things that come to our minds are hikes, happiness, sun, and beaches! Summer is full of fun for you and your four-legged family, but it can present some hazards for your dog’s paw pads and boopers. As the temperature rises and we get to enjoy the outdoors, the pavement gets hotter, hikes have hot sand and sharp rocks, and noses dry out fast in the sun.

Keep your dog’s nose & paws happy and healthy this summer with the help of our Nose & Paw Protection Balm. An all-natural product formulated to protect your pet’s nose and paws against the elements, such as hot surfaces, unpredictable ground, and heat!

Healthy nose & paw summer tips:

  • Try to avoid walks in the middle of the day because that is when the pavement is the hottest. If you can’t, try to walk on the grass!
  • Apply a layer of our Nose & Paws Protection Balm 5-10 minutes before heading outdoors. Simply glide the balm directly over your pet’s paws and nose and rub in if needed.
  • After walking outdoors wash your dogs paw with warm water to remove any sand or rocks that could be on their paws.
  • Dogs are also susceptible to overheating and heatstroke so during the extremely hot days its best to keep your walks short and keep your pup hydrated when you get back indoors.

Summer can be tough on our dog’s nose and paws but being aware of the temperature and the surfaces you’re on, and protecting the nose and paws with our Protection Balm, will go a long way to keeping your dog healthy.

If you have any questions you can contact us here or through Facebook or Instagram!